read me but like a lot of men he had to claim that he did to maintain his masculine "know it all-ness."
Wednesday afternoon I taped another show on WTOP, then was met by Linda and wife and taken for a lovely dinner after a tour of the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington monument. She then drove me out to Silver Springs Maryland to do a 11 PM radio interview show on WWDC. This went off fine and at 12 AM Fred Gale the interviewer was having such an interesting time that he asked me if I could go on to 12:30. I told him I could go on till 6 AM if necessary.
Thursday I was met at the hotel and driven to the airport by Marcia 51-W-2 FPE and took off for Cleveland. There I was met by one of our new readers whose femmename escapes me (35-A-3 FPE) and we drove to the hotel in a real tropical rainstorm. That night we had a group meeting in my room and somewhat revamped the Delta Chapter into a Cleveland based group to be joined by others in surrounding territory as they could. Again a late night.
Friday I went to see Sovereign News who are wholesale magazine distributors. I was picked up and delivered back to the hotel in the owners yellow cadillac no less, and I finally heard what stereo in a car is really like. I think I'll have to have it installed in my rebel. Anyway they gave me an order for 350 of both the TV and Wife, and Transvestia to be distributed 100 each to Cleveland, Detroit and Philadelphia and 50 to Toronto so this will give us considerable exposure and should pick up a lot of new people in those cities. If it does well he has several other cities that he will add. Friday nite was the Allen Douglas show on WKBF. This was a studio audience type of TV show like the Allen Burke show in New York. It went off very well and we had about 45 minutes. After it was over a number of people from the audience came down and asked more questions and were quite interested. Back at the hotel I had an amusing experience in that the night clerk,